The new frontiers of AgTech have arrived with their own terminology, so we’ve explained what they are about.

Internet of Things (IOT)

This is a system of interrelated devices, computing, and digital means to transfer data independently over networks. For example, applications that record data and provide you with reports about what has been achieved.

Virtual reality

An interactive computer-generated experience within a simulated environment using visuals and sound. In many cases users wear goggles in a three-dimensional, computer-generated environment.

Augmented Reality

This technology superimposes a computer-generated image on a user’s view of the real world in real time to provide a composite view.

Cloud Computing

On demand computer resources, accessing real-time file sharing and collaboration via the cloud.

Intelligent apps

Applications that learn from user inputs to improve the user’s experience.

Big data

Very large data sets that are too complex for traditional data analysis and processing, and can be used in modelling, such as weather predictive models.


Technologies using mechanical options to substitute for human actions. For example, automated robotic harvesters that seek out and pick fruit and vegetables.


Robots are self-contained electronic, electric, or mechanical devices programmed to perform discreet tasks, often automatically and intelligently. For example, a palletising robot stacks cartons.


Technology that can function without being told what to do. For example, driverless tractors, cultivators, sprayers and harvesters.

Artificial intelligence

A range of technologies that allow machines to perform tasks and make decisions which normally require human intelligence. This includes robotics, machine learning, speech recognition and other technologies like remote monitoring of crops.


A device that measures or detect changes in its environment to present data for decision making. This information can deliver benefits through improved crop and livestock yields; reduced wastage and livestock mortality; automation of farm operations; and maintenance or labour cost savings. Sensors may measure soil moisture/nutrition, weather data and water storage levels.


A distributed secure database, a digital ledger that provides a way for value to be permanently recorded with the product or output. This ‘value’ also applies to an agricultural commodity, where the whole supply chain is transparent and interacts. Blocks store unique information on transactions in the supply chain to improve efficiencies and build confidence.

5G Technology

Fifth-generation mobile technology, builds on the current 4G network, but increases connection speeds and lowers time delays.

Global Positioning Systems

This is a satellite-based navigation system that utilises orbiting satellites to reference your position on earth. Used in precision agriculture for automated steering in tractors.

Geographical Information System (GIS)

A computer system that captures, stores, checks and displays data in relation to positions on earth’s surface. It creates a visual representation of data and performs spatial analysis in order to make informed decision making. For example, to automate the application of fertilisers and seed in precision agriculture.

Digital tools and software

We support agribusinesses with interactive tools and software for varying uses, including economics, climate and production.

These include:

Mapping tools

To diversify your business or undertake a new project you will often need mapping to determine:

  • suitability of soils and climate
  • available infrastructure and land zoning
  • natural resource constraints or opportunities.

Use our digital mapping tools, searches and services to help you investigate the suitability of your proposal or potential investment.

Other digital apps

We have developed a number of apps to support Queenslanders to go about everyday business:

Last updated: 08 Feb 2023