EBL dairy freedom program

The Australian dairy industry and animal health authorities have worked together to eradicate enzootic bovine leucosis (EBL) from the Australian dairy herd. A national EBL eradication program operated from 2008 until the national dairy herd successfully qualified as EBL Free from 31 December 2012.

The objective was to protect and enhance Australia's access to the international export trade in milk, dairy products and live exports.

‘Maintenance of Freedom’ through bulk milk monitoring and dairy quality assurance programs are being managed by Dairy Australia as the national post-freedom coordinating industry body.

Infections detected under the monitoring program are reported to the relevant state Chief Veterinary Officer for follow-up eradication actions.

Dairy Australia provides a national annual report to demonstrate to international trading partners that EBL freedom has been maintained.

Beef herds in Australia still have a low level of EBL, and it is important that dairy farmers thinking of introducing beef bulls or other beef animals check to ensure that animals come from properties free of the disease.