Request a change of details to a registered brand, earmark or tattoo

  • Devices
  • Lazy letters
  • Script letters
Click to add:

Series B:

Series B consists of 2 letters and 1 numeral, with the second letter falling to the right (lazy), e.g.

Add lazy letter:

Series F:

Series F consists of 2 letters and 1 numeral, with the first letter falling to the left (lazy) e.g.

Add lazy letter:

Add script letter:

Additional information

If you wish to change details on more than one brand, tattoo or earmark please list or make a comment.The details you have provided will be used to update all requests.

Requested changes

Please select the details you wish to update *


Name of registrants

This form only allows changing the details of a person already associated with a brand due to:

  • marriage
  • divorce
  • deed poll
  • or to relinquish guardianship

If you wish to add an additional owner, delete a current owner of a brand or transfer to new owners you will need to complete an Application to transfer form (PDF, 650 kB).

Contact information

Property information

Your details


  • I have read and understand the privacy statement
  • I am authorised to request the above changes
  • If required I can supply relevant documents to support this change request
  • I understand that the information I have provided will be made available to the public under the requirements of the Brands Act 1915.