Implementation status of Martin Inquiry recommendations by the department

The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) is implementing 27 of the 55 recommendations.

As of 7 December 2023, 22 recommendations have been completed, 4 are in progress and 1 has not yet commenced.

1 2.2.4 DAF takes steps to amend the Racing Integrity Act 2016, if necessary, to expand the purposes for which a standard for a licensing scheme for a code of racing can be made to provide for the licensing of breeders Completed
2 2.2.8 The Queensland Government makes an assessment of the QRIC's resources to ensure that they are adequate to undertake licensing and auditing of breeders Completed
3 2.3.3 DAF takes steps to amend the Racing Integrity Act 2016 to extend the QRIC's animal welfare jurisdiction to a horse retired from racing, but still in the care of a registered or licensed person under the Australian Rules of Racing or Australian Harness Rules of Racing Completed
4 2.3.5 The Queensland Government makes an assessment of the QRIC's resources to ensure that they are adequately to strenuously enforce the substance of the recommendations above Completed
5 3.5 The Queensland Government makes an assessment of QRIC's resources to ensure that they are adequately to strenuously enforce the substance of the recommendations above Completed
6 6.4 DAF takes steps to amend the Racing Integrity Act 2016 to provide that all abattoirs and knackeries in Queensland record and provide regularly to the QRIC the microchip numbers, brandings and vendor details of all horses with racing brandings processed at these facilities Completed
7 6.5 The Queensland Government makes an assessment of QRIC's resources to ensure that they are adequately to strenuously enforce the substance of the recommendations above Completed
8 7.2 Biosecurity Queensland publishes annual data on its website detailing the number of animal welfare complaints and investigations (by type) it manages and the investigation outcomes achieved Completed
View published animal welfare complaints and investigations data
9 10.2.1 DAF, under the guidance of an expert panel, urgently develops a compulsory Code of practice for Horses Processed at Slaughtering Establishments (including knackeries) in Queensland, to ensure best practice for the humane treatment of horses from arrival to exsanguination Completed
Animal Care and Protection (Code of Practice for Horses at Livestock Slaughter Facilities) Amendment Regulation 2023
10 10.2.2 DAF takes steps to amend the ACPA to provide that establishment management store for at least 30 days the CCTV footage recorded at all critical animal welfare points and make available the recorded footage to Biosecurity Queensland upon request on 48 hours' notice Completed
11 10.2.3 Biosecurity Queensland implements a process for examining the CCTV footage to ensure a prompt and effective response to any suspected or identified breaches of all relevant Codes of practice including any new codes developed as a result of this Inquiry Completed
12 10.2.4 DAF takes steps to amend the ACPA to make the use of an electric prodder on a horse an act of cruelty Completed
13 10.2.5 Biosecurity Queensland ensures all Inspectors appointed under the ACPA be effectively trained:
  • in the content of all relevant Codes of practice including any new codes developed as a result of this Inquiry
  • to recognise breaches under all relevant Codes of practice including any new codes developed as a result of this Inquiry
  • as to their powers and obligations in enforcing all relevant Codes of practice including any new codes developed as a result of this Inquiry
14 10.2.6 DAF takes steps to amend the ACPA to permit, without the need for consent, an experienced Biosecurity Queensland Inspector to be present when horses are being unloaded, kept and processed at a slaughter establishment Completed
15 10.2.7 DAF takes steps to amend the ACPA to mandate that establishment management gives Biosecurity Queensland at least 2 days prior written notice of horse arrivals and slaughter Completed
16 10.2.8 The Queensland Government makes an assessment of Biosecurity Queensland's resources to ensure they are adequately resourced to meet these requirements Completed
17 10.3.1 Biosecurity Queensland undertakes an immediate review of procedures and practices at the knackery. Any animal welfare issues identified be addressed Completed
18 10.3.2 Biosecurity Queensland engages with management to undertake an immediate audit of the knackery yards and facilities and address any animal welfare issues Completed
19 10.3.3 The Queensland Government makes an assessment of Biosecurity Queensland's resources to ensure they are adequately resourced to meet these requirements Completed
20 12.1 DAF takes steps to amend the Code of practice for the Transport of Livestock to achieve a more reasonable balance between the welfare of the horses being transported and the interests of persons transporting them. To that end, an expert panel be convened to undertake a review of the Code of practice for the Transport of Livestock and specifically consider:
  • reducing the journey time that a horse can be transported without breaks/rest to no more than 8 hours
  • the frequency of providing water to horses during transport
  • appropriate handling standards for handled/broken-in horses and unhandled horses
  • appropriate vehicle design, especially for handled horses
  • requirements for the humane euthanasia of an animal if it becomes necessary during a journey
  • reducing the journey time requirement for the keeping of records
  • prescribing a minimum body condition score before a horse may be loaded for transport without veterinary advice
DAF is working nationally with the Animal Welfare Task Group to review and amend the Australian Standards and Guidelines - Land Livestock Transport (standards and guidelines) to improve requirements for horse transport. Amendments to the standards and guidelines will be adopted in Queensland under the Code of practice for the Transport of Livestock



If necessary, DAF takes steps to ensure that any changes to the Code of practice for Transport of Livestock provide for extraterritorial application Commenced



The expert panel consider and make recommendations about the types of amenities which need to be available enroute, to enable transporters to meet requirements to unload, feed and water horses at acceptable points of a journey Commenced



Biosecurity Queensland develops and implements a compliance program that includes routine and regular monitoring for compliance with the provisions of the new Code of practice for the Transport of Livestock Not commenced
A new compliance plan is contingent on recommendation 12.1 being completed



Biosecurity Queensland conducts a targeted enforcement operation to test compliance with the requirements of the current Code of practice for the Transport of Livestock Completed



DAF coordinates the drafting of a memorandum of understanding between it and the federal Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry to:
  • clarify their respective roles at the export establishment in relation to the welfare of horses being processed for slaughter
  • ensure timely and appropriate responses to any animal welfare breaches



The importance of animal welfare be reflected in the structure and staffing in Biosecurity Queensland Completed



Biosecurity Queensland immediately engages with Meramist to ensure the prompt implementation of the substance of the recommendations applicable to Meramist, prior to the implementation of regulations (note this excludes recommendations relating to the Racing Integrity Act 2016) Completed

Contact us online, by phone or in person.

Contact the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission and Racing Queensland for information recommendations being implemented by these bodies.