Exotic plant pest surveillance

As part of a national early warning surveillance program for exotic plant pests, Biosecurity Queensland conducts pest inspections around Brisbane and other regional areas. These surveys focus on areas surrounding locations at risk to the introduction of exotic pests, such as airports and seaports.

The aim of the surveillance is to detect pests before they become established in Australia, and threaten our agriculture and our environment. Early detection of new pests can also assist in maintaining access to domestic and international markets.

What does Biosecurity Queensland do?

Biosecurity Queensland officers conduct inspections or trapping on properties and in areas near the port of Brisbane, the Brisbane International Airport, product importers, refuse sites and other targeted locations.

Officers look for a range of pests across a number of different cropping systems and industries. The initial focus is on pests of banana, mango, citrus, grapevine, stored grain and forestry, and area pests (i.e. fire ants and giant African snails). Officers conduct surveys by inspecting host plants and installing traps for insect collection at selected sites.

What do I need to do?

If your property has been chosen for inclusion in the survey, we would greatly appreciate your cooperation. While you are under no obligation to allow inspectors access to your property, your support of this important work will help protect our valuable plant industries.

Further information