Cultural heritage

We proudly recognise and respect First Nations peoples (Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islanders) as the Traditional Owners and Custodians of Queensland's forests and we are committed to protecting cultural heritage values when forest products are harvested.

We implement strategies to help mitigate the risk of damage to Aboriginal cultural heritage and non-Indigenous cultural heritage and ensure that our customers and their harvesting operators are aware of their legal responsibility to protect cultural heritage.

Key legislation applying to forest harvesting operations include:

We have a stringent planning and due diligence process to protect cultural heritage, including:

  • searching the database and register for the proposed harvesting area and surroundings
  • locating cultural heritage features (in some instances)
  • implementing protective exclusion zones around identified cultural heritage sites or features
  • assessing the level of previous forest disturbance in comparison to the proposed activity.

The outcome of this process is included in the operational harvest plan so that the harvesting operators are aware of any known values in the area.

We also advise our customer (the permittee) of the outcome of the due diligence process so they can take effective steps to meet their duty of care obligations.

If cultural heritage is identified after harvesting operations start, harvesting operators are required to stop operations to avoid harm.

We do not authorise timber harvesting operations in areas in the Torres Strait or subject to the Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage Act 2003.