AgTech is any innovation used across the agribusiness and associated value chains (the agrisystem) to improve efficiency, profitability, sustainability and credibility. It includes hardware and software, business models, new technologies and new applications.

AgTech includes:

  • hardware and software
  • digital technologies like applications, robotics, autonomy, and sensors
  • non-digital technologies like protected cropping structures, fresh produce packaging, machinery, and biotechnology.

Why AgTech is needed

According to Australian Farm Institute, digital technologies have potential to increase the gross value of production in Australia by over $20 billion per year.

Technology will be critical to drive efficiencies and productivity to help meet growing world food needs.

The world population is currently growing by about 83 million each year. The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation projects that global agriculture has to increase food production by 70%.

According to the World Resources Institute, a 56% food gap will occur between crop calories produced in 2010 and those needed in 2050 under ‘business as usual’ growth.

  • Where to start

    How to begin using AgTech, get a check list to help you and considerations before purchasing technology.

  • Find AgTech suppliers

    Search online AgTech directories to connect with suppliers and tech providers.

  • Tech types and tools

    Descriptions and definitions for the types of AgTech.

  • AgTech Roadmap

    The roadmap sets our vision and path to accelerate AgTech innovation and adoption in Queensland.

Last updated: 08 Feb 2023