Invasive plants and animals research

Invasive species are a major economic cost to agriculture, threaten biodiversity and have a wide range of social impacts. Invasive plant and animal research is an excellent investment. Economic studies have shown that the benefit to cost ratio can exceed 80:1. Biosecurity Queensland conducts innovative, applied research to better manage Queensland's worst invasive plants and animals to reduce their impacts. In collaboration with national and international partners, Biosecurity Queensland delivers science-based tools and management practices to Queensland landholders, local governments and other land managers. We also provide a better understanding of invasive species' ecology and impacts, which are critical to their management.

  • Research locations

    Biosecurity Queensland invasive plant and animal research locations including Ecosciences Precinct in Dutton Park, TWRC in Charters Towers and RWPARC in Toowoomba

  • Current research

    Biosecurity Queensland state-wide research programs for Invasive Plant and Animal Science

  • Scientific papers and other publications

    Biosecurity Queensland invasive plant and animal research publications including technical highlights and scientific papers

  • Technical highlights

    Technical highlights with progress reports on Biosecurity Queensland invasive plant and animal research, current and past volumes