Rust fungi of Southern Africa

Rust Fungi of Southern Africa is an interactive key for species of plant-pathogenic rust fungi (Pucciniales) from Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa and Swaziland. Worldwide, there are about 8,000 species of rust fungi and approximately 200 generic names have been proposed. Within South Africa, there are estimated to be over 530 species.

The rust fungi of South Africa were largely studied by Ethel Doidge and monographed in 1950. Recent additions and taxonomic changes are not included in the species diversity of this monograph, which remains the standard for identification of rust fungi in southern Africa.

The Rust Fungi of Southern Africa provides an updated, comprehensive list and identification guide to simplify the identification of these important fungi. The descriptions for each taxon are specimen based., For this reason, these descriptions are different from the type description, for example, missing spore stages.

The key is dynamic, and more taxa will be added as specimens become available. Everyone is invited to contribute specimens or images that can help build this resource.

With Rust Fungi of Southern Africa, you can:

  • use the interactive Lucid key to quickly and accurately identify species of rust fungi commonly found in southern Africa
  • access comprehensive information for each species, including descriptions, field photos, scanned specimens, and light micrographs
  • browse information by species and view supplementary information including a host index and list of references.

Rust Fungi of Southern Africa is a collaboration between:

  • Forestry Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (University of Pretoria)
  • Department of Agriculture and Forestry (Queensland Government, Australia)
  • Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation (University of Queensland, Australia).